Fallopia baldschuanica – Bilderdykia baldschuanica – Polygonum baldschuanicum – Russian Vine – Bokhara Fleece Flower – Bilderdykia – Reynoutria –

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Fallopia – Bilderdykia – Reynoutria – There are about 7 species of invasive rhizomatous, climbing or scrambling, annuals and woody based perennials, in this genus. They occur in moist habitats in temperate regions in the Northern Hemisphere. They have simple, smooth edged, alternate, triangular or narrowly to broadly ovate leaves, In late summer, they bear large panicles of small,. Funnel shaped, whitish, greenish white, or pinkish white flowers. Climbing species are ideal for training on pergolas and deciduous tree and for covering unsightly structures. Grow in any poor to moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil, in full sun or partial shade. Provide strong, durable supports, a vigorous specimen can pull down a small tree or weak support. Prone to leaf miners. F. baldschuanica – Bilderdykia baldschuanica – Polygonum baldschuanicum – Russian Vine – Bokhara Fleece Flower – This vigorous, woody, twining, deciduous climbers from Central Asia reaches 40′ feet high. It produces heart shaped, dark green leaves, to 4″ long. In late summer and autumn it bears broad, almost hairless, terminal or axillary panicles of tiny funnel shaped, pink tinged white flowers, to 3/8″ across, followed by small, angled, pinkish white fruit. Zones 5-9


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