Eupatorium purp. ‘Little Joe’ – Dwarf Joe-pye weed –


E. purpureum – This robust, clump forming perennial from Eastern and Central USA grows 5-8′ feet tall and 3-4′ feet wide. It produces whorls of elliptic-lance shaped to ovate, finely toothed, sharp pointed, coarse, purple tinged, mid green leaves, to 12″ long, carried on stiff, upright stems that are variably suffused purple. From mid summer to early autumn it bears terminal, domed,, corymb like panicles 4-6″ across, of purplish or creamy white flowers. Prefers alkaline soil and needs plenty of water and lots of moisture. perennial – Grow in moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade, prune shrubs lightly in spring or after flowering. Divide in early spring or fall. Zones 3-9