Dracula – There are about 60 species of evergreen, epiphytic orchids, in this genus. They occur around 7,000′ feet high in the Andean regions of South America and adjacent highlands of Central America. They produce short, slender stems along creeping rhizomes, each stem having a single, strap shaped, thin textured, slightly folded, dark green leaf with a prominent mid rib. The flowers are borne singly or in erect, or more commonly pendent, arching racemes. The 3 sepals are fused into wide, star shaped cups, with the free parts of the sepals resembling long tails. The lip has a short claw and a cup. Cool growing orchids (see chart below). Grow in epiphytic orchid potting mix in a slatted basket. In summer, provide humid, shady condition, and water moderately with rainwater if possible, applying half strength fertilizer at every third watering. Water sparingly in winter. Prone to spider mites, aphids, whiteflies, and mealybugs.
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