Diervilla sessilifolia – Southern Bush Honeysuckle


Diervilla – Bush Honeysuckle – There are 3 species of suckering, deciduous shrubs, in this genus. They occur in North America, found in open woodland.   They are grown for their attractive habit and honeysuckle-like tubular, 2 lipped, yellow flowers, which are carried in axillary or terminal clusters on new growth. Leaves are simple, oblong-lance shaped to ovate, toothed, and opposite. Plants rarely exceed 3′ feet tall. Grow in a shrub border or woodland garden. Grow in fertile, well drained soil in sun or partial shade. Cut back in late winter or early spring. Prone to powdery mildew, and fungal spot. D. sessilifolia – Southern Bush Honeysuckle – This thicket forming shrub, spreading by suckers from Southeastern USA grows 3-5′ feet tall and 5′ feet wide. It produces ovate-lance shaped, mid green leaves with reddish veins and are 2 ½-7″ long, and pointed, and bronze tinged when young and have good autumn color. It bears 2 lipped, sulfur yellow flowers, to ½” long, are produced in terminal cymes. Zones 4-8


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