Dendrobium – There are about 1,200 species of deciduous, semi evergreen, or evergreen epiphytic and terrestrial orchids, in this genus. They are widely spread from India and Southeastern Asia to New Guinea, Australia, and the Pacific Islands, in low altitude rainforest or montane forest over 10,000′ feet high. Elongated, stem like pseudobulbs, sometimes branched, bear linear or lance shaped to ovate leaves, either at the ends of the stems or 2 ranked. Single to many flowered racemes or panicles of showy flowers are produced from the nodes along the stems, mainly in spring. Temperate-growing orchids (see chart below). Grow epiphytically on bark slab, or in epiphytic orchid potting mix in a container or slatted basket. From late spring to summer, grow in humid, partial shade, water freely, adding half strength fertilizer at every third watering, and mist twice daily. Admit full light from autumn to early spring. Keep dry in winter. They resent disturbance and flower best in small containers. Support flowering stems. Divide when plant fills and overflows the containers. Prone to spider mites, aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, fungal bulb rots, leaf spots, petal blights, gray mold, and soft rot.
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