Lamium m. ‘Anne Greenway’ – Creeping lamium –


Lamium m. ‘Anne Greenway’

blooms in from spring to frost

comes in quart or 1 gallon container

M. maculatum – Spotted Deadnettle – This low growing, semi evergreen rhizomatous and stoloniferous perennial from Europe and Northern Africa to Western Asia and has widely naturalized in North America grows 8-24″ tall and 36″ wide. Can be regarded as a weed. From ascending and prostrate stems it carries triangular-ovate, strongly toothed, matte, mid green leaves, 3/4-3″ long, heart shaped at the bases, and often with a central blotch or striped silvery white or pink flowers, to 3/4″ long. Excellent as a groundcover.

perennial groundcover – Flower color determines planting season and light requirement: white and purple flowered species are planted in spring and prefer full sun, the yellow flowered one are planted in fall and prefer shade. The vigorous, ground covering species need moist, but well drained soil in deep or partial shade. Site away from other small plants, and dig out rhizomes when necessary to confine spread. Divide in autumn or spring.

zone 4-8