Cornus alba ‘Elegantissima’ – Redtwig Dogwood – Red-barked Dogwood – Tatarian Dogwood – Cornel – Dogwood –


Cornus – Cornel – Dogwood – There are about 45 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs and small trees, and 1 or 2 woody based herbaceous perennials, in this genus.  They occur in grassland, thickets, woodland, rocky slopes, and swamps, mostly in Northern Temperate areas.  The usually smooth edged, opposite, sometimes alternate leaves are ovate-lance shaped to broadly ovate, and mid to dark green with prominent, inward curving veins.  Small star shaped flowers, come in greenish, yellowish or purplish shades are borne in terminal cymes, with or without bracts, in dense umbels with yellowish bracts that fall as the flowers open, in dense clusters with conspicuous white or pink bracts.  Those borne in cymes or umbels are followed by loose clusters of berries, those borne in clusters are followed by tight clusters of berries or are united into compound, fleshy fruits. Dogwoods are grown for their showy bracts, elegant habit, fruits, and colorful autumn leaves, some are effective specimen trees or shrubs, especially in a woodland garden.  Those with colorful winter shoots, sometimes coppiced or pollarded, are useful for many situations, from a shrub border to a waterside garden.  The fruits of some species may cause mild stomach upset if ingested, contact with leaf hairs may irritate skin. Grow in full sun or very light shade, in neutral to acidic soil that’s rich, fertile, well drained soil, though some of the multi stemmed shrub species will grow well in boggy ground. Prone to spot anthracnose (dogwood blight, powdery mildew, Discula blight, crown canker, bacterial leaf spot, mushroom root rot, twig borers, weevils, sawfly, scale insects, aphids, leafhoppers, root knot nematodes, and thrips. C. alba – Redtwig Dogwood – Red-barked Dogwood – Tatarian Dogwood – This vigorous, upright, deciduous shrub found from Siberia, Northern China to Korea grows 6-10’’ feet tall and wide. From red winter shoots it carries oval-elliptic dark green leaves, to 4″ long, which turn red or orange or brown in autumn. In late spring and early summer it bears creamy yellow to white flowers in flat cymes, to 2″ across.  It also bears pea sized ellipsoid fruit which are white, often tinged blue.  Thrives in damp ground. ‘Elegantissima’ – has gray-green leaves, irregularly marked white Zones 3-8