Chamaecyparis pis. fil. ‘Mop’


comes 1, 2, or 3 gallon pots C. pisifera – Cupressus pisifera – Sawara Cypress – Sawara False Cypress – This vigorous, initially broad, conical, coniferous tree with an open crown from Japan reaches 70-150′ feet tall and 15′ feet wide but is usually half that in cultivation. It has hard, fissured, finely peeling into thin strips, rusty brown bark. It pairs of sharp pointed, mid green mature leaves, marked white beneath, with small glands and free spreading tips, are produced in flattened sprays. Angular female cones, to 1/4″ long, are green maturing to deep brown, with 6-8 scales. Black male cones are spherical, to 1/4″ across. evergreen – Tolerant of alkaline soils but best grown in moist but well drained, preferably neutral to slightly acidic soil in full sun. Trim hedges from late spring to early autumn, but do not cut into older wood. zones 5-8