Ceratostigma plumbaginoides – Plumbago larpentiae – Chinese Plumbago – Perennial Leadwort – Dwarf Plumbago –


Ceratostigma – There are about 8 species of deciduous and evergreen small shrub and herbaceous perennials, in this genus. They occur in dry, open situation in Northeastern tropical Africa, the Himalayas, and Eastern Asia. They are grown for their 5 lobed, salverform blue flowers, borne in terminal and axillary, loose spike like clusters from early summer to autumn, and for their simple, alternate, deep green leaves, which turn crimson or bronze in autumn. Grow in a mixed or shrub border, or against a warm, sunny wall. Grow in moderately fertile, light, moist but well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Prone to powdery mildew. C. plumbaginoides – Plumbago larpentiae – Chinese Plumbago – Perennial Leadwort – Dwarf Plumbago – This rhizomatous, bushy, spreading, woody based perennial from Western China grows 18″ tall and at least 12″ wide. From upright, slender red stems it carries obovate, mid green leaves, to 3 ½” long, with bristly, wavy edged, richly orange and red tinted in autumn. In late summer and fall it bears small clusters, of brilliant blue flowers, to 3/4″ across. Zones 5-9


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