Centranthus ruber ‘Albus’ – White Valerian – Jupiter’s Bears – Kiss-me-quick – Keys of Heaven – Valerian –


Centranthus – Valerian – There are about 10 species of annuals and perennials, a few sub shrubs, in this genus. They occur from dry, sunny slopes often on alkaline soils in Southern Europe, the Mediterranean, Northwestern Africa, and Western Asia. They have erect, branched stems, soft simple or pinnate, opposite leaves with smooth edges. They bear tiny, funnel to tubular shaped red or white flowers, borne in terminal and axillary cymes. C. ruber, the only species commonly cultivated, is free and long flowering. It is suitable for a border but grows best in walls and on stony banks. It is attractive to bees and other insects. Grow in well drained, poor to moderately fertile, chalk or lime soil, in full sun. Deadhead regularly and divide every 3 or 4 years in spring. C. ruber ‘Albus’ – White Valerian – Jupiter’s Bears – Kiss-me-quick – Keys of Heaven – This compact, clump forming, woody based many branched perennial grows 2′ feet tall. It produces simple, lance shaped to ovate, slightly toothed or smooth edged, fairly fleshy, glaucous, deep to mid green leaves, to 3″ long. From late spring to autumn it bears dense cymes of small, funnel shaped, fragrant white flowers, ½” long. Self seeds freely. Zones 5-9


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