Cattleya – There are about 60 species of evergreen, epiphytic orchids, in this genus. They occur in dry coastal areas to altitudes of 7,000′ feet high, often found along Mountain streams, in central and South America. These4 plants produce erect, thick slender pseudobulbs on short rhizomes, and 1 or 2 semi rigid, leathery, oblong to broadly obovate, occasionally glaucous, mid to dark green leaves. Flowers range from miniatures only 2″ or so across to giants 6″ or more across in every color but blue, with 3 lobed or smooth edged lips front of which are 2 broader upper petals often with frilled edges variously marked and spots, are carried in terminal racemes of 10 or sometimes singly, and emerge from thick, bract like sheaths in spring or fall. Many hundreds of hybrids exist. Warm to intermediate growing orchids (see chart below). Grow epiphytic orchid potting mix in containers or orchid baskets. Provide high humidity, good ventilation, and bright filtered light or full light with shade from hot sun, foliage will bleach out if given too much sun. In summer, water freely and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer at every third watering. In winter, remove shading and water more sparingly. Divide when overflows containers. Prone to scale insects, spider mites, whiteflies, aphids, mealybugs, fungal rots, bacterial pseudobulbs rots, and leaf spots.
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