Nepeta fassennii ‘Walker Low’ – Catnip


Nepeta fassennii ‘Walker Low’ comes in one gallon or two gallon containers N. x faassenii – N. mussinii of gardens – This clump forming perennial is a cross between N. nepetella and N. racemosa and grows 18″ tall and wide. From erect to spreading, branched stems it carries narrowly ovate to lance shaped, scalloped, wrinkled, hairy, aromatic when crushed, silvery gray-green leaves, to 1 1/4″ long. From early summer to early autumn, it freely bears spike-like, whorled cymes of tiny violet-blue flowers, to ½” long, with darker purple spots. perennial – Grow in any well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Taller species benefit from staking. Divide in spring or autumn. zones 4-8