Catharanthus roseus Pretty Series – Vinca rosea – Old Maid – Pink Periwinkle – Lochnera rosea – Madagascar Periwinkle – Vinca –


Catharanthus – Madagascar Periwinkle – Vinca – There about 8 species, of evergreen perennials or sub shrub, in this genus. They occur in Madagascar, in open scrub and at forest margins. The opposite leaves are simple and smooth edged, and the 5 petalled, star or periwinkle-like flowers are solitary or borne in terminal cymes. Only C. roseus is widely grown and there are many cultivators. Indoors grow in soil based potting mix in full light with good ventilation and apply a banced liquid fertilizer monthly, water more sparingly in winter. Outdoors grow in moist, moderately fertile, well drained soil in full sun or partially shade. Prone to aerial blights, stem rot, leaf spots, aster yellows, tomato spotted wilt virus, spider mites and whiteflies. C. roseus Pretty Series – Vinca rosea – Old Maid – Pink Periwinkle – Lochnera rosea – This woody, fleshy evergreen perennial, usually grown as an annual, grows 12-24″ tall and wide. It is erect at first, then spreading. It has stiff but slightly untidy stems and opposite, oblong-ovate, glossy, mid to dark green leaves, to 2″ long, with paler midribs From early summer to first frost it bears salverform, shades of pink, red, and white flowers, to 1 ½” across, carried singly. All parts may cause severe discomfort if ingested. Poisonous alkaloids from which drugs of value in treatment of leukemia. Zones 9-15  


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