Catasetum – There are about 50 species of deciduous, mainly epiphytic orchids, in this genus. They occur from central and South America, found from sea level to altitudes of 6,000′ feet high. These orchids have thick, fleshy, ovoid to spindle shaped pseudobulbs producing several alternately ranked, soft textured, elliptic-lance shaped to inversely lance shaped, mid green leaves. Lateral, erect or pendent racemes of male and female flowers are usually borne on separate inflorescences from summer to autumn, but flowers of both sexes are occasionally found on the same inflorescence. Intermediate-growing orchids (see chart below). Grow in epiphytic orchid potting mix in containers of slatted baskets. During summer, provide bright filtered light and high humidity, with good ve4ntilation. Water freely and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer at every third watering. In winter remove shading and keep almost completely dry. Do not spry. Divide when overflows containers. Prone to spider mites, aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, fungal leaf spots, bacterial leaf spots, bulb rot, and viral diseases.
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