Betula grossa – Betula ulmifolia – Japanese Cherry Birch – Birch –

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Betula – Birch – There are about 60 species of deciduous tall to medium sized trees and shrubs, which growth is initially fast, in this genus.  They occur in diverse habitats, including woodland, moors, mountains, and heathland, throughout the Northern Hemisphere including arctic zones.  They produce alternate serrated, usually ovate, mid to dark green leaves.  Male and female flowers are borne in separate catkins on the same plant in spring, the male catkins are usually yellow-brown, pendent, and longer than the females, which are erect at first, becoming pendent.  Birches are grown for their ornamental bark (glossy white or brown and/or peels off in paper like strips), colorful autumn foliage (usually gold), attractive male catkins, and graceful, open habit.  Many are suitable for a small garden, either as isolated specimens or in small groups.  They are usually shallow rooted.  Bark was once used as paper by Ancient Buddhist and timber as use in the furniture trade.  Sap and leaves are used medicinally as food or drink an as a dye Grow in moderately fertile, moist but well drained soil in full sun or light dappled shade, but some adapt to poorer, shallower, even boggy soil. Prone to various fungi including armillaria mealea and piptoporus betulinus that cause twig dieback.  Also affected by leaf spots, viruses, anthracnose, rust, wood rooting fungi, borers (especially bronze birch borer), leaf miners, aphids, skeletonizers, leaf hoppers, caterpillars, gypsy moth larvae. B. grossa – B. ulmifolia – Japanese Cherry Birch – This conical tree from Japan grows 70-80′ feet tall and 30′ feet wide. It’s reddish gray bark peels in curls, becoming dark gray on mature trees. It produces ovate to egg shaped, sharply toothed, pointed, matte, dull green leaves, to 4″ long and turn golden yellow in autumn.  In early spring it bears yellow-brown male catkins, to 3″ long.  Tree has the scent of wintergreen. Zones 4-8


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