Monarda ‘Jacob Cline’ – Bee Balm –


Monarda ‘Jacob Cline’ perennial plant in full sun comes in 2 gallon sized container Monarda – Bee Balm – Bergamot – Horsemint – There are about 15 species of annuals and clump forming, rhizomatous herbaceous perennials in this genus. They occur in dry scrub, prairies, and woodland in North America. They produce simple or sparsely branching square stems that carry alternate, opposite, lance shaped to oval, usually toothed but sometimes smooth edge, aromatic, mid to dark green or purple green leaves with conspicuous veins. From mid summer to early autumn it bears tubular, sage like, white, pink, red, or violet flowers, often with colored bracts, are held in terminal whorls. Each flower has 2 lips, the upper one hooded and erect, the lower 3 lobed and more spreading. A number of cultivars and hybrids (with M. fistulosa) have been selected from M. didyma. They have ovate, toothed, usually dark green leaves, to 5 ½” long, sometimes softly hairy beneath. Flowers, to 2″ long, are held in whorls, with usually red tinged bracts. Monarda are long flowering and suitable for the middle of a mixed or herbaceous border. They are also attractive to bees and hummingbirds. Grow in moderately fertile, humus rich, moist but well drained soil in full sun or dappled shade. Protect from excessive winter moisture, do not allow to dry out in summer. Divide in spring. zones 4-10