Atropa belladonna – Deadly Nightshade – Belladonna ‘

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Atropa There are 4 species of perennials from Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa in this genus.  It produces thin, soft, smooth-edge leaves.  They bear bell shaped flowers that are borne singly towards branch tips.  Black berries follow the flowers.  All parts of the plant are poisonous and can be used as a narcotic that contains alkaloids but principally atropine, still used in medicine to dilate the pupils and relax muscles and blood vessels. Grow in sheltered moist, fertile soil. Atropa belladonna – Deadly Nightshade – Belladonna – Found throughout Europe, North Africa, and Southwest Asia grows 3’ feet tall in a spreading bushy habit.  In summer it bears nodding bell shaped dark purplish flowers followed in fall by shiny black berries. Zones 5-9


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