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Asparagus officinalis – Asparagus – space 12-18″ inches apart This frost hardy, herbaceous, erect perennial from Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia grows to 3’ feet tall and 4’ feet wide. It produces cluster of 4-25 leaf like stems, ½” long. It bears clusters of 1-4 green-white drooping axillary flowers that become bright red berries ¼- ½” long. When grown out doors plant 12” apart from one another, in fertile moist but well drained soil in sheltered site in partial shade. Do not harvest the young shoots or spears until third spring. Divide in early spring. Harvest – allow one year to establish, in second year harvest lightly, to generate a more fruitful crop the third year. Harvest those that are 6-8″ spears in morning or evening, when air is cool. Snap them with hand near ground level. Don’t use a cutting tool as it may infect one plant to the next. Prone to Fusarium crown rot, Helminthosporium leaf spots, Cercospora leaf spots, rust, anthracnose, and canker occur. Slugs, spider mites and aphids may be problem. Zones 4-9