Ascocenda – Miniature Vanda This is a cross between Ascocentrum and Vandal orchids from Burma, India and the Philippines genus consist of several hundred compact evergreen epiphytic orchids usually grow to 24” tall in an upright habit produces semi-rigid, narrowly oval light to mid green leaves. They bear long lasting axillary racemes of 6-8 or more delicate 2” wide open flowers are produced freely over long periods of year although mainly in winter and sometimes in summer. Flowers are richly colored in any color except green and attractively overlaid with contrasting colors. Warm growing orchids (see chart below). Grow in epiphytic potting mix preferably in slatted baskets. Place in full light with high humidity throughout the year, with shade from hot sun in spring and summer. During summer water freely and mist twice daily and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every third watering, water moderately in winter. Prone to a number of fungal leaf rots, bacterial leaf rots as well as cymbidium virus, Aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, and mealybugs.
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