Arachnis – Scorpion Orchid There are 7 or so species of evergreen monopodial orchids, in this genus. They occur from Southeastern Asia, New Guinea and the Philippines mainly on trees or on rocks in wet areas. They are robust plants with long branching stems, 2 ranked strap-shaped thick fleshy leaves and axilliary racemes of attractive highly colored and fragrant flowers. Warm growing orchids (see chart below). Cultivated mainly in warm greenhouses or in a lath house in tropical regions where they are grown for use as cut flowers. They require full year round sun to flower regularly. Use orchid potting mix, either in containers or in greenhouse border. Support is necessary for the tall stems. Needs plenty of water and high temperate and humidity all year round. In summer apply a balance liquid fertilizer every third watering. Divide when plant outgrows containers. Prone to fungal spots, cymbidium mosaic virus, aphids, spider mites, mealy bugs and whiteflies.
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