Arabis caucasica

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Arabis – Rock Cres There are over 120 species of annuals and evergreen perennials form rocky or mountains areas of Europe, Asia, and North America, in this genus.  They’re erect or mat or cushion forming species reaching about 3’ feet tall. They spreads by short rhizomes.  From often a woody-based stem they bear simple, toothed or smooth edged and sometimes hairy, spatula shaped leaves.  In spring and summer it bears cross shaped 4 petaled white to purple flowers are borne in racemes 1 ¼-3” long.  Great in a rock garden, wall or crevices. Easily grown in any well-drained soil in full sun.  Will tolerate hot dry conditions and poor infertile soils.  Trim after flowering.  They can be divided. Prone to white rust, downy mildew, rust, aphids, and Arabis midge occur. Arabis caucasica – Arabis albida – Arabis alpina subsp. Caucasica – Arabis billardieri – Wall Rock Cress – This easily grown, tough vigorous mat forming evergreen perennial from Southern Europe grows to 6” tall and spread to 20” or more wide.  It produces loose rosettes of egg shaped, toothed gray-green leaves 1 ¼-2” long.  In late spring it bears loose racemes of scented white flowers to ½” across. Zones 4-8


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