Anguloa – Cradle orchid – Tulip Orchid There are about 10 species of deciduous epiphytic orchids, in this genus. Derives from South America found at high attitudes in the Andes. They have cylindrical to conical pseudobulbs each of which produces 3 strongly ribbed and folded broadly lance shaped soft-texture leaves. In summer superb tulip like solitary, fragrant flowers, with waxy tepals which are borne on stems originating from the base. Cool to intermediate growing orchids (see chart below). Grow in orchid potting mix with high humidity in full shade in summer. In spring and summer while the plants are in leaf water freely and apply a half strength liquid fertilizer every third watering. In autumn reduce water and temperature and remove from shade. Keep dry after the leaves have died away, resume watering. Do not spray or mist foliage. Prone to spider mites, aphids, and mealy bugs.
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