Angraecum – Comet Orchid There are about 200 species of orchids from tropical Africa and Madagascar in warm humid regions at sea level or low altitudes, in this genus. They produce rigid linear to oblong leaves are carried in 2 ranks. Scented green or yellowish green flowers have long backward-pointing spurs held singly or in racemes at various times of the year. Flowers contain nectar and are pollinated by night flying moths. Several Hybrids available. Warm to temperate growing orchids (see chart below). Grow with year round warmth, humidity and moisture (which makes them difficult house plants). Grow in hot houses in coarse potting mix or epiphytic orchid potting mix. Place where there is plenty of light but not direct light. Water freely all year more sparingly in winter. In summer apply half strength liquid fertilizer every third watering and spray or mist foliage lightly with water once or twice daily. Prone fungal leaf spots, cymbidium mosaic virus, spider mites, aphids, mealy bugs, and white flies.
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