Amaryllis belladonna ‘Barberton’ – Callicore rosea – Belladonna lily – Magic lily – Naked Ladies – Resurrection lily –

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Amaryllis – There is single species of a deciduous bulbous perennial in this genus.  It is found from coastal hills and stream banks in South Western Cape of South Africa.  This summer-flowering perennial notable feature is the long stemmed umbels of magnificent rose-pink flowers from leafless bulbs. Leaves emerge after flowers whither.  Typical grown in greenhouses so is available various times throughout the year. Where able to plant outdoors place just below soil level in late summer or late spring in well drained soil in a fairly sunny position is best areas or light shade in very warm areas. Indoors grow in soil based potting mix with additional leaf mold and sharp sand in full light.  Water moderately and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly. Cut down flowers stalks once flowering is finished but ensure plant is well watered through winter. Prone leaf scorched (red blotch), Cercospora leaf spot, Southern blight, Cucumber mosaic virus, slug damage, narcissus bulb flies, aphids and spider mites. Amaryllis belladonna ‘Barberton’ – Callicore rosea – Belladonna lily – Magic lily – Naked Ladies – Resurrection lily – This bulbous perennial grows 30” tall produces thick purple or purple-green stems.  Umbels of 6 or more funnel-shaped scented dark rose pink flowers 2 ½-4” long appear in summer.  It bears strap-shaped basal fleshy leaves 9-16” long are produced in late fall or early spring that die down well before the flower stalks emerge. Zones 7-10


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