Agastache mexicana – Brittonastrum mexicanum – Cedronella mexicana – Mexican giant hyssop ‘


Agastache There are about 30 species of perennials, in this genus.  They are native to dry often-hilly habitants in China, Japan, and North America.  Most are very upright with stiff angular stems clothed in toothed edges.  It bears lance shaped leaves ½-6” long depending species.  They can grow any where from 6”-6’ feet tall.  On upright stem tip bear long lasting spikes of tubular, 2-lipped flowers from mid summer to autumn.  Flowers are usually white, pink, mauve, or purple with bracts that back the flowers being the same or slightly contrasting in color. Easily grown in moist well-drained fertile soil and prefers sunny position.  Most will tolerant occasional frost down to 20 degree Fahrenheit. Prone to mildew, rusts, downy mildew, and are very attractive to insects. Agastache mexicana – Brittonastrum mexicanum – Cedronella mexicana – Mexican giant hyssop – This short-lived bushy perennial grows 2-3’ feet tall and a foot wide derives from Mexico and gives a lemon scent.  Bears oval to egg shaped to lance shaped leaves 1 ½-2 ½” long with toothed edges.  Mid and late summer it bears 12” long spikes of edible rose red flowers. Zones 7-11


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