Adonis vernalis – Spring Adonis – Pheasant’s Eye –

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Adonis There are about 20 species of annuals and perennials in this genus from Europe and the cooler parts of Asia in alpine habitats. Named after the Greek god Adonis beloved of Aphrodive who when was killed by a boar and the drops of blood made this annual species red.  Fern like leaves mostly finely divided especially at the uppermost parts.  The leaves on the stems form a sort of nest the single bowl shape flower rests.  The leaves may die back in summer in some species. Perennials are usually have a yellow flower and the annuals are red.  More frequently the perennials are grown. They require cool climate and warm dry summers in a sheltered spot in full sun in moist fertile soil with high humus content and varies species like acidic or alkaline soil. Prone to slug damage. Adonis vernalis – Spring Adonis – Pheasant’s Eye – Found from Finland to Italy and to the Urals.  This clump forming perennial grows 15” tall and 18” wide has 1 ¼-2” long almost needle like finely divided leaflets.  Bears bright yellow 3” wide large flowers and open early spring to mid late summer.  Once used medicinally but now regarded to toxic for general use. Zones 3-9


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