Acer saccharinum ‘Commemoration’ – Maple


Acer saccharinum – Acer dasycarpum – Silver Maple – River Maple – Soft Maple – White Maple – This tree is a fast growing, deciduous tree reaching 80’ feet tall and 50’ feet wide, found in eastern North America on riverbanks. On pendent branches are sharply toothed shallowly to deep, 5 lobed, 4-8” inches long light green leaves with silvery white undersides. Greenish yellow flowers are borne on erect corymbs. Prone to damage from wind or snow. Not suitable for polluted areas, prized for its clear sap which is makes maple syrup, as well for its timber. Many cultivars and hybrids exist.

‘Commemoration’ – Grows 50’ feet tall and 40’ feet wide with a dense oval rounded crown, bears glossy heavy textured leaves turning toorange to red. Resistant to leaf tatter.

Grows well in cooler temperature areas with adequate rainfall in fertile soil but well drained in sun or partial shade. For better fall color plant in acidic or neutral soil.

zones 4-9


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