Rhapis palm – Medium – Lady palm –

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Rhapis palm interior plant R. excelsa – R. flabelliformis – Miniature Fan Palm – Lady Palm – This slow growing, small, multi stemmed clump forming palm from Southern China grows 5-15′ feet tall and wide. From erect, bamboo or reed like stems covered in brown interwoven fibers carries long stalked, deeply lobed, lustrous, light to rich green fronds, 8-12″ long, have 3-10 broadly to narrowly lance shaped finger like segment with blunt tips with leaf tips saw tips. Tiny, bowl shaped cream flowers are borne in panicles, to 5″ long, among the leaves in summer. Leaves may brown in full sun. Indoors, grow in soilless potting mix in bright filtered light. In the growing season, water freely and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly, water moderately in winter. Pot on or top dress in spring. Protect from strong wind and frost. zone 14-15


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