Dieffenbachia amoena ‘Tropic Snow’ – Medium – Camille dumbcane –

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Dieffenbachia amoena ‘Tropic Snow’ D. sequine – D. maculata – D. picta – This robust perennial from Brazil grows 3-10′ feet tall and 2′ feet wide. It produces alternate, broadly ovate to oblong or lance shaped or paddle shaped leaves, 12-18″ long, evenly spread along the stem.They are glossy, dark green, marked with blotches of white, with white mid ribs. Flourishes in poor light. ‘Amoena’ – D. amoena of gardens – grows 6′ feet tall and produces oblong-ovate leaves, 6-14″ long, with creamy white bands and marbling between veins. Indoors, grow in soil based potting mix in bright to moderate filtered light and high humidity. In growing season, water moderately, applying a balanced liquid fertilizer monthly, mist daily in summer, Water sparingly and admit full light in winter.All soil to become dry between waterings.


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