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Water Spots

Water spots Common name Water spots Bacterial leaf spot Fungal leaf spot Causal agent Water spots are commonly caused by bacterial or fungal infections. Scientific name Pseudomonas spp. Xanthomonas spp. Cercospora spp. Microsphaeropsis spp. Septoria spp. Symptoms & Signs Water spots are characterized by water-soaked lesions that may unite to form a larger spot. The lesions sometimes also secrete a sticky ooze. When the weather turns dry, the lesions dry out and turn reddish brown. Due to leaf stress, the plant weakens overall and displays premature leaf loss. Transmission Depending on the cause of the disease, the infection can transmit through fungal spores or bacterial pathogens. It is common during wet, rainy seasons since the water helps spread the infection. Time of concern Spring and early fall Common hosts Cherry Plum Lettuce Tomato Pepper Zinnias