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Toyon Thrips – Rhyncothrips ilex

Toyon Thrips – Rhyncothrips ilex Common Name: ToyonThrips Latin Name:  Rhyncothrips ilex Appearance: Both sexes have fully developed wings. Body and legs dark brown, tarsi and foretibial apex yellow; antennal segment yellow, variably yellow in basal half; major setae dark brown lighter; forewing deeply and evenly darkened. Maxillary stylets retracted to postocular setae, about one-fifth of head width apart medially; postocular setae pointy, shorter than dorsal eye length; mouth cone segmented between fore coxaentennae;  one sensorium with three sensoria; short and broad at the base. Pronotum with five pairs of gently pointed major setae, posteroangulars greater than half the pronotum’s median length. Parallel-sided forewing with about 12 duplicated cilia; three gently told sub-basal setae sub-equal in size. Host plant:  Heteromeles arbutifolia (Rosaceae) Territory: Toyon Thrips are found throughout in Western USA Damages caused by ToyonThrips : It is causing leaf damage to the Californian Toyon or Christmasberry shrub, a plant of horticultural importance. Life history and habits: Toyon, often known as Christmas berry, is a widespread evergreen shrub or big tree distinguished by its thick, leathery, glossy dark green leaves. The shrub is adorned with brilliant red berries throughout the winter. During June and July, flat clusters of little white blossoms appear. This plant is useful as a screen, a tiny multi-trunked tree, a hedge, or for bank planting.