Tomato Viruses
Tomato viruses
Common name
Tomato viruses
Causal agent
Several tomato viruses infect tomato crops, causing damage to the fruits. The most commonly occurring viruses include tobacco mosaic virus, tomato mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus, and tomato spotted wilt virus. The first two belong to the genus Tobamovirus, while the others belong to Cucumovirus and Tospovirus, respectively.
Symptoms & Signs
The symptoms differ based on the virus. However, there are a few symptoms common to all viral plant diseases. These include stunted growth, mottled appearance of tomato fruit, small, curled, and wrinkled leaves, as well as distorted fruits with internal browning. Furthermore, the cucumber mosaic virus also gives the leaves a characteristic ‘showstring’ appearance, making them stand out.
Tobacco mosaic virus and tomato mosaic virus are transmitted to healthy plants through human contact, watering, or transplanting with infected tools. On the other hand, cucumber mosaic virus spreads via aphid species. When aphids feed on infected plants, the virus is transmitted to them, which then passes to other plants. Tomato-spotted wilt virus spreads by means of thrips, mainly by flower thrips.
Time of concern
Throughout the growing season
Common hosts