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Summer Disease

Summer disease Common name Summer disease Causal agent Summer disease in plants can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and even physiological fluctuations. Among physiological causes, rapid temperature changes, heavy rainfall, and frost account for the disorders. Common summer diseases include Fusarium and Verticillium wilt, powdery mildew, and stunted plant growth due to aphid infestation. Scientific name Sphaerotheca fuliginea Erysiphe cichoracearum Fusarium Verticillium Symptoms & Signs The symptoms vary depending on the disease and causal agent. In case of powdery mildew, white fungal growth and small black fungal structures appear on the underside of the leaves. Vascular wilt, on the other hand, mainly displays chlorosis, discoloration, and eventual wilting. Transmission Since the causal agent of each disease is different, the mode of transmission also varies. It can be due to the spread of fungal spores or bacteria and viruses by insects. Time of concern Summer and spring Common hosts Rose Azalea Peonies Potatoes Corn Tomato