Sugarbeet Root Maggot – Tetanops myopaeformis
Sugarbeet Root Maggot (Tetanops myopaeformis)
Common Name: Sugarbeet Root Maggot
Latin Name: Tetanops myopaeformis)
- Adult sugarbeet root maggot flies approximate house flies in size and appearance (approximately 1/4 inch).
- The wings of this fly are transparent, with a smoky-brown patch on the front one-third of the way from the wing base.
- The legs have yellowish-white stripes on the terminal segment (“ankles”), while the rest of the leg is black.
- Females have sharp abdomens, while males have broader abdomens. The eggs are white, long, and slightly curved.
- The larvae are white, legless maggots that grow to be about a third to a half-inch long. The front end is blunt, while the back end tapers to a point.
- Pupae are elongate, tan to brown capsules about 5/16 inches long.