Spruce Spider Mite – Oligonychus ununguis
Spruce Spider Mite – Oligonychus ununguis
Common Name: Spruce Spider Mite
Latin Name: Oligonychus ununguis
- Mites are not insects but rather arachnids. Adults are incredibly tiny and have eight legs (0.58 mm long).
- Their bodies are dark green to nearly black, with a pale streak down the center of the back. Males have a rounder abdomen than females.
- The eggs are golden to reddish-brown, spherical (0.2 mm in diameter), and have a spike that keeps them attached to the webbing. After hatching, the eggs hatch into six-legged larvae that change from pink to green.
- The larvae develop into eight-legged nymphs (0.3 to 0.4 mm long) that look like adults.