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Sequence of Bloom for Spring Flowering Bulbs

Sequence of Bloom for Spring Flowering Bulbs Although we may think that it is too early to think about it, fall is the time to plant bulbs in spring. A perfect time to prepare for the end of winter to come. And it is that, although the sunny seasons are the queens of the flowers, we will not stop repeating it. It is possible to enjoy nature for twelve months, both at home and in the garden. An ideal and natural way to bring warmth and life to any time of the year. Achieving it is as simple as knowing how to have flowers all year round in the garden, terrace, or balcony. Although it seems that good weather is far away, it is time to think about the bulbs that bloom in spring. A unique opportunity to fill us with flowers even if the cold is still with us. Another important plus: bulb plants are low maintenance plants. It won’t take much from us to flourish and make life happy. You can not ask for more! So let’s take advantage of the autumn to prepare our garden or terrace. And, for this, nothing like opting for bulbs that bloom in spring. The first obvious sign that the cold has come to an end. Far from being a few, the number of bulbs that bloom in spring is vast. What’s more: some of them even do it in the middle of February. A month of transition towards spring that, however, continues to retain its characteristic low temperatures. Even the cold is not a problem for many autumn bulbs to bloom, even on the snow. It is not the only advantage of designing your garden with bulbs. In addition, the variety of colors, types of flowers, and even moments of flowering make them a perfect option to see any space permanently full of life. It is enough to know the cycles of each one of them and, more importantly, some tips for planting bulbs. A great way to overlap different bulbs that bloom at different times and constantly see flowers around us. Of course, enjoying all that emergence of color happens by planting the bulbs that bloom in spring in autumn. A key moment to guarantee that our bulbs will have time to take root and, above all, to bloom. Muscaris, one of the first to bloom : Let’s start with one of the spring-blooming bulbs that first show up. Bell-shaped mascaras flowers appear from February. It is important to know that, from each bulb, two flower rods usually come out. For this reason, and if the idea we have is to have a good flower bed, we will have to plant generously. The muscaris demands a planting place where it does not receive the sun throughout the day. In addition, it requires irrigation every 15 days during the first two months of planting. Once in flower, the ideal is to water every four days and whenever the substrate is drying. Crocus, one of the most beautiful spring-blooming bulbs: With a similar flowering crocus, Crocus is also the first bulbs that bloom in spring to do so. Its flowers are of varied colors and small in size. Perfect for flowerpots but also garden path areas. Although we can extend its planting until November, the ideal is to do it in September. In this way, they will have time to take root before the arrival of the cold and, incidentally, to flourish when the low temperatures still accompany us. Germanic iris, the elegance of the flower: It is the lily of choice for many garden lovers. Majestic and colorful, the Germanic iris flower rod grows to around half a meter. A very interesting height for pots, flowerpots, path borders, or creating flower beds combined with other bulbs that bloom in spring of similar sizes, such as tulips. Although it admits semi-shade, the ideal is to plant it in an area with good light. A key aspect of promoting its flowering. Unlike other bulbs, it is super resistant to low temperatures, so, even in harsh climates, they will bloom. Narcissus, the symbol of spring: The narcissus is associated popularly and festively with the arrival of spring. In addition to its beauty, its flowers usually last 20 days. A detail that makes them one of the spring-flowering bulbs preferred by garden lovers. Whether we plant them in the garden or a pot, we must avoid any waterlogging. It is important that they have good drainage and, also, that we include sand in the substrate mix. It also blooms in shady conditions, and it is important to avoid direct sun. Tulip, one of the most popular spring-blooming bulbs: It is probably one of the most widely planted spring-flowering bulbs. And it is logical: the tulip is colorful, super striking, and resistant. What’s more, we won’t have to worry about the cold at all. Because, in the case of the tulip, not only is it not negative for its development: it needs it to grow correctly. For them to thrive, they must have nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. Early blooming Tulips:    Early blooming with single flower is cup shaped flower with 8cm across, growing from 15 to 45cm in length. Early blooming with double flower is bowl shaped with 8cm across, growing from 30 to 40 cm in length. They are blooming from early to mid season. Examples are ; single early tulips, double early tulips, Greigii tulips, Kaufmanniana tulips, fosteriana tulips. Mid blooming tulips: Mid blooming tulips have single cup shaped flower with 6cm width, single flower ovoid in shape. Plants grow from 50 to 70cm in length. They are blooming from mid to late season. Examples are; Darwin tulips, Triumph tulips, Parrots tulips. Late blooming tulips:    Late blooming tulips have cup shaped flower with8cm width, some flowers have distinct pointed, flexible petals or some have crystal like fringes, and also large heavy bloom. Plants grow from 45 to 75cm in length. Examples are; single late tulips, double late tulips, lily flowering tulips, fringed tulips. Muguet, delicacy made flower: Also called lily of the valley or convallaria, it is a precious option to cover soils due to its creeping growth. An aspect that is not incompatible with planting it in pots, in which it also grows without any problem. And it is well worth doing: its flowers, in the shape of small bells, give off a very characteristic sweet aroma. Due to its natural origins, it can be planted in the understory and shady areas. In addition, it is demanding with watering. And, something that we cannot miss: it is a toxic plant, so it should be kept away from children and animals. Caen anemone, long live the flower: Probably one of the spring-blooming bulbs with the longest bloom. And, although it begins to do so in March, it can do it continuously until the end of the summer. One more attraction to consider including it among our plants. For them to develop correctly, they require well-drained soil rich in humus. Regarding the best location for its planting, the ideal is in a place where it receives a good dose of daily sun.