Rose Blister Gall Wasp – Dioplolepsis rosaefolii
Rose Blister Gall Wasp (Dioplolepsis rosaefolii)
Latin Name: Rose Blister Gall Wasp
Common Name: Dioplolepsis rosaefolii
- Diplolepis rosaefolii the gall consists of tissue layers, enclosing a centrally located larval chamber.
- The larval stages of the cynipid wasp Diplolepis rosaefolii cause single‐chambered, lenticular galls on the leaves of the wild shrub rose, Rosa Virginiana.
- The formation of Dioplolepsis rosaefolii galls is substantially different from that of other Diplolepis galls researched since it involves several traits that are unique to this gall. Hosts plants: creates round galls on cottonwood, poplar and aspen petioles; damage primarily aesthetic