Raspberry Cane Blight
Raspberry cane blight
Common name
Raspberry cane blight
Causal agent
Raspberry cane blight is a fungal disease caused by a member of the genus Leptosphaeria. It commonly affects black raspberries, but red and purple species can also be infected.
Scientific name
Leptosphaeria coniothyrium
Symptoms & Signs
The fungus makes the fruiting canes weak, resulting in girdling and snapping. Black or purple cankers appear, which cause the lateral shoot to wilt and die. The fungus enters the plant through an opening caused by an injury or disease. It causes cellulose degradation in the infected area, which may crack open the cane. Few canes also show blight and contain spores-containing fruiting bodies and dark necrotic lesions.
Raspberry cane blight is usually seen during the wet growing season. The spores are carried by wind or water to nearby healthy plants, where the fungus restarts its lifecycle and infects the plant.
Time of concern
Early spring to late summer
Common hosts