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Phytophthora Crown Rot

Phytophthora crown rot Common name Phytophthora crown rot Causal agent It is caused by several species belonging to the genus phytophthora. The commonly affected plants include woody and herbaceous species. Scientific name Phytophthora spp. Symptoms & Signs The leaves start wilting and turn yellow, red, or purple even with adequate watering. Bark around the crown and upper roots darkens and may ooze a sticky substance. The roots also develop water-soaked lesions that contribute to root rot giving a foul odor. Young trees are prone to infection and dying since their root and crown has not developed properly. The bark also shows reddish-brown streaks. Transmission The spores can directly enter roots, crowns, or branches under wet conditions. It travels to other plants through contaminated soil, water, tools, or wind. Time of concern Late summer to early spring Common hosts Tomato Pepper Eggplant