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Pecan Shoot Curculio – Conotrachelus schoofi

Pecan Shoot Curculio (Conotrachelus schoofi) Latin Name: Conotrachelus schoofi Common Name: Pecan Shoot Curculio Appearance: Conotrachelus schoofi, often known as the pecan shoot curculio, is a true weevil belonging to the Curculionidae family of beetles.
  • Adults are little, dark grey to reddish-brown beetles that are about 3/16 inches long and have slightly curled snouts roughly one-third the length of their bodies.
  • Larvae are little, legless grubs with brown heads that are creamy-white.
  • On pecan and hickory, larvae burrow into the pith of new plant development.
Territory: It is found in North America Damage caused by Pecan Shoot Curculio: Darkened holes around the bases of numerous shoots and leaf flagging were the result of the damage. Larvae burrow into tender shoots and leaf stems, weakening them and causing terminal breakage or die-back in some cases. Injury can be identified as tiny, hollow, brackish triangular areas where eggs were placed on fresh shoots or irregular holes in the shoots following larval emergence if breakage or die-back is not evident. Life history and Habits: Adults overwinter in and near pecan orchards in-ground garbage or rubble. Adults usually emerge after overwintering in March and April, mate, and oviposit in new growth that is still fragile. Larvae hatch and tunnel in shoots and leaf stems for 2 to 4 weeks. Fully mature grubs emerge from the branches through irregular, circular holes, fall to the ground, and pupate in the soil. Adults typically emerge from the soil in August and September, while occasional adult emergence may occur throughout the summer. Overwintering is considered to be the case for these adults. Each year, there is usually only one generation.