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Peach Leaf Curl

Peach leaf curl Common name Peach leaf curl Leaf curl Causal agent Peach leaf curl is caused by a fungus belonging to the genus taphrina. It weakens the trees, causing early leaf drop. Scientific name Taphrina deformans Symptoms & Signs It causes reddish spots on the leaves that turn thick and puckered, deforming and curling the leaves. The fungus produces velvety spores on the leaves and gives the thickened spots a grayish-white appearance. The leaves undergo necrosis and chlorosis, eventually falling off the branches. Early defoliation gives the tree a barren look and exposes it to sunburn. The stems and twigs also thicken and die. In severe cases, the fruits may also develop reddish spots with cracks and wrinkles. Transmission The fungus releases ascospores that are spread by the wind to other healthy plants where they germinate and travel through water and air to infect new plants. Time of concern Throughout the spring Common hosts Peaches Nectarine Apricot Almond