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Orange Rust

Orange rust Common name Orange rust Causal agent It is a fungal disease belonging to the genus Puccinia. It does not kill the plant; instead, it weakens it severely and slows its growth. Scientific name Puccinia kuehnii Symptoms & Signs The most important distinguishing feature of orange rust disease is the stunted, deformed, yellow leaves. Several orange aecia are present on the lower side of the leaves that turn into bright orange and release spores. The leaves also contain orange pustules and white spots. It may also lead to other disorders such as witch’s broom, cankers, and spotted needles. Transmission The spores can travel through wind or water and infect other healthy plants. It requires a temperature between 68-86F along with moist conditions to grow and spread. Time of concern Early spring to late summer Common hosts Blackberries Black raspberries Barberry Wheat