Oak Wilt
Oak wilt
Common name
Oak wilt
Causal agent
It is a fungal disease that damages the xylem and interferes with water transport.
Scientific name
Bretziella fagacearum
Symptoms & Signs
The fungus sets in the vascular tissues of the oak trees and inhibit the transport of water. This causes wilting of the trees, leading to their death. The leaves start to wither, and the crown area of the branches turns reddish brown. Some leaves may turn brown and fall off the branches early. The barks also show fungal mats containing spores.
The spores travel to other healthy plants by means of the root system. The spores reach the vascular system of healthy trees and cause infection. Some sap-feeding beetles also contribute to the spread of this disease above the ground.
Time of concern
Early spring to late fall
Common hosts
Red oaks
Live oaks
White oaks