Mexican Mealybugs – Phenacoccus gossypii
Mexican Mealybugs (Phenacoccus gossypii)
Common Name: Mexican Mealybugs
Latin Name: Phenacoccus gossypii
- The adult female Mexican mealybug measures 3 to 4 mm in length, is oval in shape, grey, and coated in a thin waxy secretion. Down the back, there are three parallel rows of tiny waxy tufts.
- Mealybugs with short tails are identified by caudal filaments no longer than one-fourth of the body length. Additionally, the lateral filaments are brief.
- Male insects are tiny, gnat-like, and have just two wings. Male Mexican mealybug adults have four posterior filaments that are made of wax.
- The egg sac is longer than the female secreting it and is white, thick, and thin. Nymphs: Nymphs are tiny, yellowish creatures that secrete white wax.