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Long Blooming Perennials

Long Blooming Perennials

The long-blooming perennials, as the name suggests, are the flowers that bloom every year and live for longer periods. For everyone who would want to have low-maintenance flowers in their gardens that are not only easy to grow but also have longer blooming periods, the long blooming perennials are definitely your go-to option. Unlike the annuals that you need to plant every year, one of the best things about long-blooming perennials is the fact that they need to be planted only once. However, some of the perennials have shorter lengths of flowering. Their blooming time starts from showing the flowery colors from 3 to 6 weeks only to showing their colors for 2 to 3 months. For this purpose, the gardeners are required to remember the groups of perennials that bloom in early fall, early spring, summer, and late spring, etc.

4 Best Long Blooming Perennials to Grow:

Here are a few of the prominent long blooming Perennials for the long-blooming perennials:

1. Bearberry:

If provided the right conditions, a bearberry perennial is an excellent choice to add aesthetics to your garden. What makes it one of the best choices is its resistance to salt and droughty conditions. It grows almost six to twelve inches tall and spreads 3 to 15 feet wide. The bearberry flowers are white or pink in color that appears in colors in the month of April/May.

2. Foamflower:

Mostly found in the shades of pink and white, the foam flower appears in airy masses, and their large quantities create quite a show in the spring garden. They bloom typically from 4 to 6 weeks in total, and even when their bloom fades, their dark green foliage creates quite an aesthetic appearance for other flowers in the garden.

3. Day Lily:

Producing colorful and large flowers, the DayLily perennial reappears year after year without requiring any special care. It is an amazingly low-maintenance flower that is also pest and disease-free and is able to survive tough conditions like drought, poor soil, uneven sunlight, etc. Some of the daylilies can even reach 6 feet of height.

4. Butterfly Flower:

A perennial flower that adds the beauty of the garden by attracting butterflies hence named likewise. These perennial flowers are bright orange in color, which is usually grown in the mid-summer. The blooms grow almost 24 inches to 36 inches long, and the seeds are in the form of light green pods.

What is a Deadheading?

To overcome the problem of the intermittent blooming of perennials, deadheading helps them to continuously bloom throughout their growing season. It is a gardening kind of a term that is basically used to describe the process of removing dead or faded flowers from the growing or grown plants. It is one of the important processes to follow for the gardeners to make the garden look fresh and alive. This is because most of the flowers lose their appearance when they are faded or dead and affect the attractiveness of the fellow plants as well. Regular act of deadheading will make the garden have a healthier appearance and continuous blooms.

Benefits of Deadheading for Long Blooming Perennials:

Here are the benefits that deadheading long-blooming perennials have to offer:
  • The dying long-blooming perennials tend to look brown and dull. Deadheading solves the problem by making the plants look cleaner, so your hard work working on growing them doesn’t go in vain.
  • Removing the dead blooms through deadheading also helps the blooming perennials to direct their whole energy towards improving their general health.
  • The deadheading also helps in extending the blooming season of the long-blooming perennials.
  • Deadheading also helps perennials to bloom out throughout their growing seasons.
  • This process also helps in preventing the spread of seeds and allows the flowers to grow thicker and fuller than before.
  • This can be a very meditative gardening activity if done properly.

List of Long Blooming Perennials by Bloom Time

Common Name Scientific Name
Perennial Rockcress Arabis
Bearberry Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Candytuft Iberis sempervirens
Helleborus Helleborus Orientalis
Jacob’s Ladder Polemonium Caeruleum
Dead Nettle Lamium Maculatum
Primrose Primula Vulgaris
Blue Lungwort Pulmonaria
Blue Violet Viola
Virginia Bluebells Mertensia Virginica
BugleHerb Ajuga Reptans
Chocolate Vine Akebia Vine
Italian Alkanet Anchusa
Sea thrift Armeria
Barrenwort Epimedium
Bleeding Heart Lamprocapnos spectabilis
Siberian bugloss Brunerra
Bunchberry Cornus canadensis
Clematis —-
Columbine Aquilegia
Coral Bells Heucheras
Corydalis Pseudofumaria lutea
Dianthus Plumarius
Dead Nettle Lamium
Myrtle Myrtus communis
Pachysandra Pachysandra terminalis
Peony Paeonia lactiflora
Phlox Phlox Paniculata
Poppy Oriental Papaver Oriantale
Poppy Iceland Papaver nudicaule
Primrose Primula vulgaris
Sandwort Minuartia nuttallii
Fairy Bells Disporum flavens
Foamflower Tiarella cordifolia
Forget-me-not scorpion-grass
Gaura Gaura lindheimeri
Cranesbill Geranium
Geum Geum coccineum
Goat’s Beard Aruncus dioicus (Walter) Fernald
Grass, Perennial —–
Alum root Heucherella
Honeysuckle Vine Lonicera periclymenum
Ice Plant Delosperma spp
Iris Iris germanica
Jacob’s Ladder Polemonium caeruleum
Lily of the Valley Convallaria majalis
Soloman’s Seal Polygonatum multiflorum
Spruge Euphorbia
Strawberry L. Fragaria vesca
Sweet Woodruff Galium odoratum
Trillium Trillium grandiflorum
Speed Well Veronica
Viola Viola cornuta
Wisteria Vine Wisteria sinensis
Armeria Armeria maritima
Astilbe Astilbe
Baby’s Breath L. Gypsophila paniculata
Bachelor Butoon Centaurea montana
Blue False Indigo Baptisia
Bear’s Breech Acanthus spinosus
Bellflower campanula
Blue Star Creeper Isotoma Fluviatilis
Carnation Dianthus caryophyllus
Catmint Nepeta mussinii
Coral Bells Heuchera
Calliopsis Coreopsis
Lady’s Mantle Alchemilla vulgaris
Lavandula Lavender
Lupine Lupinus perennis
Rose Campion Lychnis coronaria
Lysimachia Lysimachia nummularia
Penstemon Penstemon campanulatus
Pincushion Scabiosa
Cupid’s Dart Catananche caerulea
Daisy Bellis perennis
DayLily Hemerocallis
Delphinium Delphinium elatum
Dianthus Plumarius
Dutchman’s Pipe Aristolochia Macrophylla
Evening Primrose Oenothera biennis
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea
Gaillardia Gaillardia aristata
Gaura Gaura lindheimeri
Honeysuckle Vine Lonicera periclymenum
Houttuynia Houttuynia cordata
Hydrangea —-
Jupiter’s Beard Centranthus ruber
Garden Sage Salvia
Sedum Stonecrop
Shamrock Oxalis triangularis
Snow in Mountain Cerastium Tomentosum
Spiderwort Tradescantia
Thyme Thymus vulgaris
Toadflax Linaria purpurea
Yarrow Achillea millefolium
Balloon Flower Platycodon grandifloras
Bee Balm Monarda
Coneflower Echinacea
Coral Bells Heuchera
Falling Stars Crocosmia aurea
Hibiscus Moscheutos
Hollyhock Alcea rosea
Hosta ——-
Yellow Archangel Lamiastrum
Blazing Star Liatris Spicata
Leopard Plant Ligularia
Lily Lilium
Lirope, Creeping Liriope spicata
Lobelia Lobelia cardinalis
Lotus Nelumbo Nucifera
Rose Campion Lychnis coronaria
Moss —-
Obedient Plant Physostegia virginiana
Oregano Origanum vulgare
Penstemon Penstemon campanulatus
Poker Plant Kniphofia
Black Eyed Susas Rudbeckia
Russian Sage Salvia yangii
Sedum Stonecrop
Stokes Aster Stokesia laevis
Sunflower Helianthus
Tansy   Tanacetum Vulgare
Turtlehead Chelone Obliqua
Trumpet Vine Campsis radicans
Yucca Yucca filamentosa
Hosta —-
Joe Pye Eutrochium purpureum
Clematis —-
Aster Aster amellus
Hosta —-
Leopard Plant Ligularia
Sedum Stonecrop
Silver Lace Vine Fallopia baldschuanica
Toad Lily Tricyrtis hirta
Anemone Anemone hupehensis  
Aster Aster amellus
Silver Dragon Liriope
Ajania Ajania pacifica
Montauk, Daisy Nipponanthemum nipponicum