Juniper Scale – Carulaspis juniper
Juniper Scale (Carulaspis juniper)
Common Name: Juniper Scale
Latin Name: Carulaspis juniper
- The juniper scale insect, Carulaspis juniperi, is an extremely small armored scale insect (up to 3/32 inches across).
- Female armour is spherical to oval, white, and parchmentlike. The armor has a light yellow cast skin of the earlier female nymph stages in the middle, so it looks like a small cooked egg.
- Male scale armor is oblong, white, and nearly 1/16 inch long.
- The pale yellow cast skin of the crawler stage is at one end. Adult males are gnat-like insects with four eyes and a waxy tail filament.
- Crawlers look like mobile pollen and have six legs and antennae. Juniper scales are commonly ignored due to their modest size.