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How to pickle cucumbers

How to pickle cucumbers During the main cucumber harvest, many housewives wonder how to pickle cucumbers. And it is not in vain, because pickled cucumbers are not only an independent snack but are also used in preparing various dishes: solyanka, pickles, salads, etc. By the way, pickle cucumbers can be in various ways. As a result of simple manipulations, you get tasty, spicy, and crisp pickles on the main ways of salting cucumbers and talk in this article. Pickles are a small variety of cucumbers that are brined to dehydrate them so they can be preserved. Later they are packed naturally or in vinegar. Many recipes for salted cucumbers referred to the ancient Russian pickling methods when cucumbers were exclusively seasoned in wooden barrels, tubs, which were used for nonsense. However, modern housewives choose cucumbers in standard three-litre jars. It should also be noted that not all varieties of cucumbers are suitable for salting. Of course, you can pickle absolutely any cucumber, but the end product will be smooth and not tasty. There are special varieties of cucumbers that are best suited for pickling. These include:
  • Salad Bush.
  • Straight Eight.
  • Sugar Crunch.
  • Sweet Slice.
  • Sweet Success.
  • Tendergreen Burpless.
Cucumber pickling process: The complete process of pickling cucumbers comprises several stages:
  • Cucumber classification:Before proceeding to pickle, it is necessary to classify all cucumbers, spread them in size, discard vegetables with rot and damage.
  • Soaking: If you are not going to take salt from freshly harvested cucumbers, but, for example, from cucumbers bought in the market, you must first soak them in cold water for six hours.
  • Washing:Before further processing, cucumbers should be washed and rinsed well with boiling water.
  • Preparation of brine: Pickle for cucumbers; each hostess cooks in her own way, but most often includes salt, spices, garlic, and vodka.
  • Soak cucumbers in brine:The duration of the entire soaking process takes an average of 5 days.
How to pickle cucumbers in bag packages: For the brine, you need:
  • 10 liters of water
  • 600-800 g of salt
  • 20 cloves
  • 10 pieces Black pepper
  • horseradish
  • 2 heads of garlic
Cook the brine, then cool it to about 40 degrees and strain through cheesecloth, and then pour the cucumbers, placed in packages. Then pack the cucumbers with the lids and put them in a dark place. Soak the cucumbers at room temperature for 4-5 days, then bring the edges of the package leaflet together. Along the way, remove excess air and tie with string or string. Then put the cucumbers in the basement or refrigerator to store more. How to pickle cucumbers with spices: This recipe for pickled cucumbers is also designed for salting cucumbers in reasonably large volumes. For pickling, you will need
  • 10 kg of cucumbers
  • 600 g of salt
  • 300 g of dill
  • garlic – 30 g
  • 50 g of tarragon
  • 10 g of bitter peppers
  • 50 g of horseradish
Pickled cucumbers for salting, put them in a barrel, changing each layer with cloves of garlic, chili peppers, dill, tarragon, horseradish, and salt. Spices preferably chop. For convenience, you can prepare a mixture of the listed spices. Depending on your preferences, you can add other spices, such as black currant leaves, celery, coriander, basil, parsley, etc. The most important thing to keep in mind is that there should be no more spices than 6% of the total weight of the cucumbers. Salty cucumbers To sprinkle cucumbers, you will need the following spices (based on 1 three-liter vase):
  • 5 minced garlic cloves
  • a sprig of cherries
  • horseradish leaves,
  • 2 umbrellas of dill
  • For the brine, take 1.5 liters of water and 3 tablespoons salt.
Rinse the cucumbers for salting and pat dry with a towel. Place them firmly in a three-liter jar, and top with spices and herbs. Then fill the Jar with the prepared brine and cover it with a paper napkin. Leave it in this position for 4 days at room temperature. They can then be stored in a refrigerator or cellar. Pickle with bitterness To sprinkle cucumbers in this recipe, you will need (based on a three-liter jar):
  • 2 kg of cucumbers
  • 10 g of garlic
  • 30 g of dill
  • 15 g of horseradish roots
  • 3 g of chili pepper
  • 20 g of leaves cherry
  • For the brine in 1 liter of water, you will need 4 g of dry mustard, 80 g of salt.
  Prepared for salting cucumbers together with herbs and spices in steamed jars. Cook the pickle. Then pour the cucumbers into jars and leave them for a day for fermentation. Then close the jars with the lids tight and store them in a cool place with thin skin and a dull surface. As a result, they are well salted, and there will be no voids in them. Also, cucumbers of the same size should be selected so that the process is carried out simultaneously on all fruits. Pickled cucumbers in a barrel Delicious cucumbers are obtained when salted in a barrel. To pickle, we will need the following ingredients:
  • 25 liters of water;
  • 600 g of salt;
  • 10 g of tarragon;
  • 100 g of dill;
  • 5 heads of garlic;
  • 25 cherry leaves;
  • 20 oak leaves;
  • 20 leaves of black currant;
  • 1/2 red pepper pod;
  • 1/2 horseradish root.
Make a pickle first. Need to dissolve in warm salt water; then take the cucumbers and wash them in Coldwater. After that, put the bottom of the wooden barrel washed with oak leaves, cherry, black currant, and dill, horseradish, tarragon, garlic. Now in dense rows in an upright position, cucumbers are stacked. Between them, make a strip of spices and leaves. Close the barrel tightly, scoring the top head. Now through the hole that needs to be made at the bottom in advance, pour the brine and close it with a wooden plug. It is important not to let the cucumbers float after it is poured; therefore, you need to cover the barrel’s lid with a wooden circle and put a load on it. After a week, you can sample pickles. If the cucumbers do not have enough salt, you need to wait a few more days. Pickling cucumbers in the Jar Not everyone has the opportunity to pickle cucumbers in a barrel, so you can do it in a jar. To do this, you will need the following products:
  • 3 kg of cucumbers;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2 umbrellas of dill seeds;
  • 3 leaves of black currant;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 6 allspice peppers,
  • 3 cherry leaves,
  • 1 horseradish leaf;
  • 90 g of salt.
First, the brine is made. Take a saucepan, pour water into it, dissolve the salt in it and throw in 2 bay leaves. Put the dishes with the pickle on the fire and bring to a boil. Then put in the bottom of a three-liter can an umbrella of dill, black currant leaves, horseradish, cherry, garlic, and peas. After that, a layer of cucumbers is laid out, which are laid out vertically. Now fill them with boiling brine and roll the Jar with a metal lid. Store the pickles only in a cold place. This can be not only a cellar but also a refrigerator; otherwise, they will quickly deteriorate, and work will be wasted for nothing. What you need to make the pickles delicious. Mandatory conditions
  • Buy pickles or grow only particular varieties. In a bag of seeds, there is always an indication of what this variety is suitable for. If it is written that the variety is lettuce, then such cucumbers cannot be put in jars. During fermentation, they will become soft and unappetizing. Pickling varieties are suitable for both pickling and salt. In some sachets, it can be stated that the variety is suitable both for pickling and for salads. Such vegetables can also be salted in jars or other containers. When buying fresh cucumbers from the market, be sure to ask the seller what variety they offer you.
  • For salting, use only spring water or well water. From the tap, in which there is chlorine, for pouring vegetables is not suitable. It slows down the fermentation process and gives the vegetables a distinct flavor.
  • Salt for pickling takes only stone dining room. Very small, called “Extra,” not suitable for white space. It lacks many trace elements that are removed during cleaning. Nor is it possible to take salt with iodine for salting. It is called “iodized” and can only prepare salty foods.
  • Pickling cucumber spices are suitable for anything except onions. This spice takes on an unpleasant odor during fermentation, and cucumbers also run the risk of being “stuffed.”