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HOW AND WHY TO GROW AN INDOOR HERB GARDEN: Growing herbs indoors is a popular hobby for many gardeners across the globe. It helps the people mostly in colder regions get through the long winter months, and for the rest of us, allows you to enjoy homegrown produce. Even if you are living in an apartment, or rented house with no soil available, you can benefit from an indoor herb garden. It also makes cooking at home easy-whenever you need some herbs, just clip a few sprigs to use in a recipe or as a pretty garnish. To stave off potential sniffles, more people are turning to fresh herbs in their diet as an easy and inexpensive way to boost their immune systems. These nutritional powerhouses will also cool off your body naturally. Herbal healing is more than just applying ointments or pharmaceuticals. There is also an aesthetic sense of these indoor gardens. Healthy CO2 balanced air, and energy that is blooming with so much positivity you can actually feel it. Adding plants can transform your abode from just a place to lay your head to a certified zen den for all things self care. The simple act of planting and caring for our plants can give us a spark of hope. It reminds us that spring will come again and things will get better. You can also make tinctures, teas, lotions and ointments. Herbs or flowers in indoor gardens have far fewer problems, there are some things you need to pay attention to. Any plant grown indoors has the same basic problems. Since you are in full control of the indoor garden environment, proper care will extend shelf life. With some simple materials and some basic instructions, everyone with the time and patience can try this kind of gardening. PREREQUISITES FOR MAKING AN INDOOR HERB GARDEN. If you are interested in growing indoor gardens you must have a little bit of knowledge about it. There are some basics and tips that you should know before starting an indoor herb garden. The right soil, the right place, the amount of water, and the type of fertilizer are crucial to a successful indoor herb garden. There are two main Methods of planting an herb. The cheaper and more traditional option is the one that requires soil and usually grown in small pots or trays. The second option is soilless which is mainly known as hydroponics. Then you need herbs. Many people grow herbs from seeds. However, seedlings can easily be bought from any greenhouse in vicinity. Some other miscellaneous items are also needed for easiness, including lining saws, herb shears, lights, and fertilizers. HOW TO KICK OFF AN INDOOR HERB GARDEN. After choosing soil or hydroponic growers, you must choose what kind of herbs that you want to grow. Some of the simplest herbs grown indoors include rosemary, oregano, thyme, chives, bay laurel, mint, basil, cilantro, oregano, lemongrass, chives, mint and parsley. Seeds should be planted according to the instructions on the back of the seed packet, and the distance and depth should be followed accordingly. Placing the pots or jars in a suitable location is mandatory for a successful indoor garden. South-facing windows have the brightest light and most hours of sun during the short, cool winter days so it is preferably the best choice for the indoor gardens. Most herbs do not require much fertilizer, but they need adequate supply of water regularly. Harvesting herbs with shears helps enrich the herbs and also maintains their appearance. Good drainage is crucial when it comes to an indoor herb garden. If you let your herbs sit in the water, the roots will rot and you can say goodbye to your fresh herb garden. It is also important to protect the surface under the pot by placing a drain pan. Don’t plant multiple herbs in one container. Planting herbs separately will help you move them easily when needed. One of your plants may be infested with pests and you will have to move them away to treat them. You may also need to rotate each plant for better air and sunlight circulation. Growing them separately will allow you to take care of all these needs and shear leaves when desired. Planting herbs is great, these plants are easy to grow at home. There is nothing better than your own “home-grown” herbs. These reliable plants are there when you need them. Herbs are available all year round. Plant an herb garden indoors to get more herbal plants after the outdoor herbal season is over ADVANTAGES OF INDOOR HERB GARDENING: There are many advantages to having an indoor herb garden. 1:  Herbs can be grown throughout the year, not just in summer. 2: Compared with decorative plants and flowers, herbs are actually one of the easiest plants to grow. 3: Herbs can not only be used for decoration. They can be sliced and used in various meals for quick tasting without having to go to the grocery store. 4: The growth and maintenance costs of many herbs are relatively low, and you only need to pay attention to the watering and light requirements of each herb. 5: People who grow their own herbs do not have to worry about pesticides. 6: Fresh herbs are edible, low-calorie, healthy, and regulate the balance of the body. DISADVANTAGES: 1: Herbs require a lot of light. Most herbs need at least 6-8 hours of sunlight to thrive. Although this is usually not a problem outdoors. 2: The lights used in hydroponics are expensive. Lights are necessary for herbs that need more light. 3: Temperature and humidity are very important. Most herbs need heat for better growth. In fact, many medicinal herbs are produced in warm regions. The indoor heat in winter can be insufficient. Maintaining humidity is also challenging as the herbs can get dry anytime. 4: Watering is troublesome because you need to spray plants to keep the leaves moist and fresh and excessive watering can cause the root rot. 5: Pests may hide in plants, such as aphids or spider mites, especially when potted plants are brought indoors from outside.