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Gray Mold – Botrytis

Gray mold-botrytis Common name Gray mold Botrytis blight Causal agent It is a fungal disease caused by a pathogen belonging to the genus botrytis. It affects a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. Scientific name Botrytis cinerea Symptoms & Signs It is identified by soft, mushy, gray spots on leaves, stems, fruits, and flowers. The spots may appear powdery due to the presence of fungal spores. It shrivels and rots the plant, as well as produces hard sclerotia on the fruits. Mature, ripened fruits are more prone to developing an infection. Transmission The spores can travel by means of water, wind, or contact with infected plants. They spread to healthy plants and enter through open wounds. Time of concern Early to late spring Common hosts Begonias Peonies African violet Camellia Apples Strawberries