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GARDEN PLANTS USED IN URBAN ENVIRONMENT   The increase in population growth all over the world has compelled the people to make the environment clean and green in developed cities and towns. Urbanization is growing day by day with the coexistence of urban landscaping which is now recognized a specific field derived from the architecture and urban planning. The design is based of visual and structural integration of a set of building, streets and places that form the urban environment. Garden plants used in urban environment increase mood and productivity, enhance concentration and memory and reduce stress and fatigue. The idea of an urban garden design can bring some of the countryside into your own outdoor urban space. Urban areas are some of the most striking examples of human-environment landscapes. In this way, urban gardening is the practice of growing plants in an urban environment which can be included a small lawn in front of a house. Because of limited space in residential areas, the adaptation of plants in containers either in patios, yards, balconies or in the rooftop of a house are commonly practiced in urban areas. Growing plants in an urban garden might seem very difficult task. For example, you may be worried about the right soil or you just might think your garden is too small. However, with a bit of motivation, some fertilizers, some garden tools and recycled containers, you too could have a garden that will be focus of attention for all. The combination of edible and plants for aesthetic and beautification is given due importance in urban landscaping. However, in common areas of community, the selection of those plants and trees are considered on the basis of many factors such as climatic adoptability, environmental hardiness, pollution control, water scarcity, size and shape of trees, minimum garden maintenance facilities etc. The introduction of vegetable, fruits and ornaments plants and trees provides favorable combination in an urban environment. The vegetables such as tomato, potato, carrot, pea, green onion, beans, hot peppers, zucchini, kohlrabi, green peppers, spinach, and summer squashes are good examples. Similarly, the growing of seasonal annuals (summer and winter flowering plants), present enchanting beauty to residential localities and urban surroundings. Chrysanthemums are ranked the highest for air purification. They’re shown to eliminate common toxins as well as ammonia. Biennials and perennials plants are also added to keep the season in full-swing round the year thus keeping the space landscaped but still produce a bountiful harvest. The plants, shrubs, bushes and trees of different sizes having hardy in survival and resistant to pollutants are getting increasingly popularity in urban landscaping. These may include the types of evergreen or deciduous but perennials in nature. Some examples of hardy plants grown in long summer blooming for different shade of colors are; columbine, astilbe, shasta daisy, gaillardia, salvia, coneflowers, hellebores (Lenten rose) and hosta. Other good examples of plants introduced in a small garden are; Trachelospermum jasminoides. Euphorbia, Phyllostachys, Dicksonia, Hydrangea, Rainbow-chard and Dahlia. Indoor plants featuring for poluution resistant are spider plant, dracaenas, golden-pothos and areca palms. Air pollutants have a negative impact on plant growth, primarily through the contaminants accumulation on leaves and are in close contact with the atmosphere. Many air pollutants affect the metabolic function of the leaves and interfere with net carbon fixation by the plant canopy. Plants having the ability to stand against pollutants are acting as buffer in maintaining the environment and are wisely selected for outdoor city space. Urban pollution is a major challenging factor when talk about gardening in the cities where issues like smoke, fumes and contaminated dust particles floating into the air are of great trouble when designing and growing the plants for urban landscaping.  Therefore option is pollution-tolerant plants. The leaves play pivotal role in determining the potential of plant because of limiting factor for exchange of airborne gases including dust and grime. Fruit trees if used for the purpose of urban landscaping are more sensitive when the level air pollution is increased in terms of their healthy growth as well as fruit formation and yield. Further important pollution-resistant plants are listed below: Chaenomeles bears colorful and delicate flowers that blooms the best in spring. In autumn, it produces edible fruits. It attracts bees due to early bloom and provides nectar for producing honey. It thrives well in sunshine or under semi shade. Viburnum is a hardy shrub having bright pink and fragrant flowers and can withstand in pollutant atmosphere with efficient growth and bloom without losing its robust charm. Commonly known Buddleia (butterfly bush), the plant’s purple flowers are popular amongst many ornamental bushes. It is fast-growing shrub that flourishes well in well-drained soils. Ornamental Pear Tree is used as an ornamental plant for urban landscaping. It is very attractive in spring bearing white flowers of mass impact. Its size is moderate with upright and narrow shape. Camellias is very hardy plant used in urban environment and is suitable for its colorful decent glossy evergreen leaves which has made it an extra pollution-tolerant. Placing this plant in light shade would  help it grow successfully. Topiary bushes (Buxus sempervirens) is also hardy in nature but evergreen and is frequently used for hedging and topiary, a classic choice of art for an urban garden to cmake the aligned and required shaped designing particularly in parks and lining streets all over cities. The hedging Plants are regularly trimmed to make the environment symmetrical and eye catching. Ginkgo is a city-friendly garden choice. It is a large tree and is best suited to bigger urban gardens with plenty of space. It is also known as the maidenhair tree and have the ability to boost energy, mood and memory. Escallonia hedges (especially Iveyi) – are excellent choice for urban landscaping. It is hardy shrub of evergreen type and bears beautiful white flowers of sweet smell. A good indication is that it can survive under very low temperature to chilling condition without noticeable injury. Barberry or Berberis are evergreen shrubs and is quite easy to propagate in almost all types of soils and climates. It bears with delicate yellow and orange flowers during spring but produce deep blue berries in autumn season.